How to find men who are serious about love?

At first glance, men seem to have a harder time than women when it comes to online dating and everyday life. But is that really true - or are women who are looking for a real partner also having a hard time? Maybe it's just that the male faction screams louder, while the female world takes it in stride and never gives up hope.

From time to time, however, women claim that the majority of men do not seem to be serious. For them, the main thing is to have fun for one night. So, a man with serious intentions is not the norm. Or are the signals being misinterpreted?

If you are one of those women who are desperately looking for a man with more than one thing on his mind, you should read on. In this article, we will look at various issues and give you some tips on how to separate the wheat from the chaff more quickly.

You don't want to fall for weird men who are just flirting with you to get you into bed? Then let's make sure you only meet the ones with serious intentions!

Okay, but...

How does a man act who has serious intentions?

As a woman, you will meet a lot of men, especially in online dating. But finding the ones who are really interested is like looking for a needle in a haystack. But how do you know if he's really interested in you and not just looking for a one-night stand?

If you've ever met someone on a dating site, you're probably familiar with the countless "hey, how's it going?" messages. But a man who is really interested in your profile will take a closer look at it and try to get your attention with the very first message. You get a message where the writer refers to your profile details and seems to have made an effort? You should take the plunge and send him a friendly reply.

What happens next?

Maybe the message was just a tactic to get your attention? Don't worry, because further down the line there will be signs that he's really serious!


Is he really serious? These signals indicate that he is!

He wrote you a nice message and stood out from the crowd. But can you tell if he means it? Unfortunately, no, but there are signs to look out for.

He is interested in you and your hobbies.

Someone who is really interested in you will go into detail about you and your hobbies as he gets to know you. Do you have a passion for horses or do you like to visit museums? But your partner isn't a horse lover, doesn't go to every art opening, but shows great interest in these things? Then you have a clear sign that someone really wants to get to know you.

He writes you regularly and spontaneously

You wake up in the morning and have already received a good morning message from your crush? It's a great feeling and a sign that you were on his mind when he got up. Even little messages that make you smile throughout the day are indicators that someone seems to like you.

You are not an option, you are a priority

When you first met him, you found out that he is very busy at work. And then he plays sports in a club. You expect to see him only once a week, but suddenly he's squeezing in every possible minute to spend time with you. A man who arranges his schedule to include you at all times definitely doesn't want it to be just one thing.

Activities with friends

Of course, he won't bring his friends on the first three dates. But after a while, if he suggests doing something with his friends, he'll want to introduce you to his entourage. And let's face it: you don't do that if you're going to cut off contact shortly thereafter.

So far, so clear - but...

How does a man who is taking things seriously flirt?

Have you ever met a man and didn't know if he was flirting with you or just making conversation? While women are said to be a closed book, men don't always show that they are seriously interested. This makes it all the more important to pay attention to his body language as well as his conversational style. This is how you can tell if he is flirting or not.

The conversation

We already know that men approach you with interest and ask you questions about your hobbies. But not only that, because when he flirts, he also talks openly about himself. This shows you that he trusts you and opens up to you.

During a conversation, does he fall back on statements he made a few days ago? Well, he certainly didn't memorize them, because he does that all the time. He has memorized things about you and wants to show you that he cares about you and what you have to say.

He shows understanding when you don't have a good day and deals with your problems? Jackpot, because this man really wants you to be well and feel good. He tries to work out solutions with you without being pushy. A sign of respect and genuine concern.

His body language

Body language can also tell you a lot about whether he is really flirting with you. Even his basic posture is a sign of whether he's serious or if it's just a casual conversation for him. If he looks at you and still tries to make eye contact, it means he wants to make a connection.

Not only that, but if he's really interested in you, he'll want to make repeated eye contact, not just a fleeting glance. Watch his eyes! Do they keep moving from your eyes to your lips? If so, he may even want to kiss you.

If he feels safe in your presence and trusts you, he will open up. The same goes for body language when you speak. Does he touch your shoulder and hand? That's a clear sign that he's not just making small talk. Someone really wants to connect with you!


This is how you find men who are serious

Now you know how to separate the wheat from the chaff and meet men who really mean business. Maybe you haven't picked up on the signals yet, or maybe you just haven't found the right man. The important thing is not to give up hope and at least give men a chance. Now you know the signs to look for when it's more than just fun.

Focus on those who are interested in you and your life. It doesn't always have to be a visual 10/10 for you to hit the jackpot. Basically, there are a lot of men out there who mean business but don't get a chance. Still, what could be nicer than someone who cares about his partner's well-being!

Take the getting-to-know-you phase slowly and see how the other person behaves. Someone who's really interested in you won't push you to go on dates or just talk about themselves. Don't be too hard on men if they seem a little awkward as they get to know you. This way, you too will eventually find the man who is serious about you and love.

Further Readings

Why some women can't find a man

Why some men just can't find a woman

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